Asterley Bros, Red Vermouth

Asterley Bros, Red Vermouth - Guzzl

Regular price £26.99

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Our Sweet Vermouth, Estate, is made by infusing 31 botanicals with English pinot noir. Made in the Italian ‘rosso’ style, notes of orange, cacao, rosemary and wormwood combine to form a full-bodied vermouth.

Lower in sugar than many Sweet Vermouths, this is a bright and complex aperitif with delicate tannins from the pinot noir. A Sweet Vermouth unlike any other.

Intense and robust, Estate is suited to any occasion. Try it served over ice with a slice of orange, or as a cocktail ingredient in the full repertoire of classic cocktails. It’s perfect for Negronis, Martinez and Manhattans with rich aromatics that stand up to heady spirits.

An aperitif with bold flavours for the novice and great depth for the aficionado. 


500ml | 16% ABV

Contains Sulphites


Botanicals: Fennel / Wormwood / English Hops / Thyme / Orange / Grapefruit / Lime / Sultanas / Ginger / Lemongrass / Coriander / Cardamom / Gentian / Devil’s Claw / Rhubarb / Chickweed / Hyssop / Milk Thistle / Liquorice / Myrrh / Angelica / Cinnamon / Burdock / Germander / Cascara / Vanilla / Apricots / Raisins / Dates / Basil / Yarrow

Base wine: English Pinot Noir

Sweetener: Organic Cane Sugar

Allergens: Sulphites |Vegan: Y

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