Little Croft Chocolate – Banana Crunch – 70g

Little Croft Chocolate – Banana Crunch – 70g - Guzzl

Regular price £4.99

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only 2 left in stock

Crunchy banana pieces that are coated with a dusting of cinnamon throughout the bar to give that warm, comforting banana bread experience


Little Croft Chocolate believe that “it’s the little things in life that mean the most”, whether it’s a walk in the welsh countryside or a cwtch from a loved one. And that’s why every single bar is handmade with simple and delicious ingredients.

They are a small company based in rural South-West Wales whose mission is to provide a delicious, handmade, luxury chocolate experience without the prices to match... and minus the added "bad stuff"...!

All of their packaging is 100% plastic-free and recyclable. After all 'its the little things that mean the most'.

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